Thursday, September 3, 2020

Olympic Game And The Fifa World Cup Management Essay Example

Olympic Game And The Fifa World Cup Management Essay Example Olympic Game And The Fifa World Cup Management Essay Olympic Game And The Fifa World Cup Management Essay South Africa is known as a quick creating state, and World Cup is potentially the greatest occasion ever in its locale. In any case, the foundations in this Africans greatest monetary framework were as yet hapless when they won the order in 2004. Along these lines, its no vulnerability an incredible test for this state. Besides, with the terrible notoriety of African endeavor disappointment condition ( Rwelamila, Talukhaba A ; Ngowi, 1999 ) and projection area ( DellApa,2008 ) , numerous individuals has a profound hesitation to countrys capacity to complete this solid endeavor. While Canada presents an alternate scene, where 1976 Montreal Summer Olympic and 1988 Calgary Winter Olympic were arranged, with cutting edge frameworks in including regions, travel, imparting administrations. In addition, the specialists and approval had collected a lot of understanding before this game. The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) had incredible affirmation that Canada will demonstrate a magnificent competition to the universe. Key Stakeholders Pre-occasion preparing Arranging, preparing and demonstrating are essential to the achievement of the Games. During the preparative stage, The structure of foundation is a cardinal parametric amount for estimating the fundamentals. Measuring stick for estimating generally speaking endeavor open introduction These two endeavors were both over-spending plan Table 3: Planned financial plan as opposed to finishing up expenses of the 10 World Cup bowls ( Baloyi and Bekker, 2011 ) Fitting to the even cluster, aside from two losing informations, the other eight bowl were all over-financial plan, the evaluated spending plan was R11.7 one million millions, however the finishing up cost was 35 % past the financial plan. Baloyi and Bekker ( 2011 ) found that overspending is brought about by a figure of variables, the main grounds are increment in material expense and off base stuff estimations. It is other than of import to put the start of contributing for the game, the bowl undertaking was completely financed by South African specialists. Similary, the district building cost of 2010 Winter Olympic was other than over-spending plan. The first evaluated cost was $ 470 1000000s, yet the coordinator hence updated the financial plan to $ 580 1000000s to ensure the region could run into IOC fulfillment ( ) . Nonetheless, the finishing up cost given by VANOC was $ 603.3 million. The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia each dedicated $ 290 million to setting improvement plan, alongside $ 23.3 million originated from esteem in-kind from supporters, BC Housing and inclusion ( Brumwell, 2010 ) . Sing the compeletion of work, both South Africa and Vancouver effectively completed before their cutoff times. A whole of 10 dishes were chosen as game region for the 2010 FIFA World Cup, five of them were recently manufactured and other five holding experienced solid redesign. Building work was expected to get down in late 2006, and they should finish before December 2009. Be that as it may, it experienced a crisscross methodology, FIFA survey commission was frequently kicking about the moderate progression, and some were non prepared for the Confederation Cup in 2009 the warm-up occasion for the World Cup ( Baloyi and Bekker, 2011 ) . A few bits of gossip even asserted that the leader of FIFA, Joseph Blatter may search for substitute to have this competition. Be that as it may, in the long run, every one of the 10 dishes were effectively finished on cut and passed examination. During the order system for the 2010 Winter Olympics, the cutting edge, splendid bing including areas has been one of Canadas extraordinary competitory favorable position. With its strong establishment, the VANOC chose to overhaul four areas to require model and in the mean time constructed six new destinations. VANOC began scene assembling each piece right on time as 2006, and it was grown actually wonderfully. By February 2009, one twelvemonth before the game, all regions were prepared and detached for planning and demonstrating occasion. Additionally, the ticket net incomes of these two occasions varied incredibly. In April 2010, only two months before the opening shot, there were as yet 50,0000 unsold tickets, accessible to each of the 64 games including South Africa s lucifers and the finishing up. The hapless promoting was go oning in both host state and abroad market, only 42 % of apportioned tickets were being purchased outside South Africa, with 330,000 tickets remaining. The worry of costly airfare, travel, inn and security issue had hindered numerous heroes. As regards local buyers, the main employment was estimating, as the vast majority of the flush white inhabitants favor watching rugger to football, while even the least expensive tickets ( 140 rand = 12.40 ) , were still out of range for the dark network. Another activity is the managing strategy, The IOC picked the internet as a central gross incomes channel, in any case, just 11 % of South African populace were web endorsers ( ) . To ensure full bowl, t he coordinator gave some free passes to enormous organizations rather than hapless individuals, however there was no improvement after the competition began, the FIFA functionaries were as yet baffled with 1000s of void seats. In constrast, tickets for Vancouver Olympics sold great, study proposed that VANOC figured out how to sell more than 97 % of the numbering 1.54 1000000s tickets. Regarding abroad gross incomes, more than 75 % of every single accessible ticket were sold. The dishes were full in Opening and Closing Ceremonies and in some well known athleticss, for example, ice hockey. The high attendence was because of two ground, preeminent, the VOC made a fan-to-fan commercial center on its official site for exchanging and giving the game ticket, which gave incredible flexiblity to advertiser and buyers. Second, some of authentic companions gave more than 50,000 tickets, and these tickets were so appropriated to the desperate networks ( ) . Operational risk and unforeseen test Table 4: Hazard Table of South Africa World Cup Table 5: Hazard Table of Vancouver Olympic Games The nineteenth FIFA World Cup was the fifth clasp held in the South side of the equator. Players need to compete in chilly clime again after 32 mature ages. As the grass are by and large affected by the clime, the ominous conditions status apparently carried an enormous test to the coordinator. Subsequently, FIFA and LOC chose to introduce the man-made grass to some of bowls. Fundamentally it was a mix of stunning grass ( 3 % ) and nature grass ( 97 % ) , the incredible grass strands were embedded beneath the surface and mix with the nature grass which can reinforce the field ( ) . Along these lines the intercrossed grass will hold a smooth surface with a tough root, it will non be influenced by upwind status or brutal endeavor any more. As man-made grass was first utilized in World Cup, the masses were loaded up with anticipation and vulnerability. In the wake of playing a lucifer on this revolunary surface, the Algerian chief Rabah Saadane felt the man-made pitch negatively affecte d his crews open introduction. By the by, the vast majority of members referenced that it was a test yet they delighted in playing on this field ( ) . Security has been a long-standing issue for South Africa, which is originated from racial strained quality, pieces multiplication, high joblessness rate and large salary spread and so on. Any offenses occurred during the World Cup would ruin the host state. Awared of these risks, both LOC and the specialists spent a lot of endeavor in fighting offense and guaranting the security of visitants. Prior to the beginning of competition, the South African specialists reported that their disbursal in security had reached $ 1 billion, and the SA constabularies administration added 41,000 constabularies official to cover with burglary, vandalism and terroism ( Sylvester and Harju, 2010 ) . The specialists other than contributed R45 million to a most optimized plan of attack condemnable justness framework to treat any World Cup-related offense. The suspects were captured by constabulary and taken to a delicated court where they would stand up to farther test ( Sylvester and Harju, 2010 ) In add -on, Joint Operation Centers have been set up at every region area, and it comprised of constabulary, trefoil and fire fighter so as to get by with any conceivable emergency ( Pellegrino, Bam and Dutiro, 2010 ) . It worked out that these moves were extremely adequate. The revealed offense dropped 70 for each centum during the World Cup, the competition went off calmly with no investigations of rough offense ( Sylvester and Harju, 2010 ) . The South African specialists won worldwide congrats for its security step. Despite what might be expected, this Vancouver Olympic was bound to be ineffective from initial twenty-four hours when Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed during a readiness count. In spite of the fact that the paramedics showed up on the scene inside seconds after the mishap and the athelete was carried to a physical issue place in Whistler ( Bryant, 2010 ) . In any case, barely any hours in this manner, the Georgian assignment affirmed the shocking knowledge. Actually, Luge is viewed as the most dangerous athleticss in the Olympics, and it took topographic point in one of the universes quickest way this clasp. Besides, before the terrible disaster, there were a few little mishaps in the equivalent topographic point, and one Rumanian muscle head slipped by into obviousness for a couple proceedingss ( Bryant, 2010 ) . Be that as it may, unfortunately, these issues had non brought to coordinators joining in. VANOC did non change the race way and rise the defensive divider o n the luge, which brought about the lethal mishap. This disaster had thrown a solemnity over the game and it was simply a start of fiasco. A progression of mishaps followed a short time later, the abrupt surrender of ice-reemerging hardware prompted the deferral of speedskating occasions, and one Slovenian muscle head harmed during the crosscountry race. All the more truly, VANOC didnt figure for the unseasonably gentle conditions. This caused a vocation at Cy

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Last of the Mohicans essays

Last of the Mohicans papers I will be squirming an assessment based paper about the film, The Last of the Mohicans.It is an interpretation of the james fenimore coopers book that was composed quite a while back. The film depends on a perishing Indian clan that is trapped in the war between the French and the British over the North American region. The mohawks are unpleasant opponents with the Hurons, who are furious and dwarf them by a long shot. One of the french administrators asks that his girls be put under that watch magua, an individual from the Hurons, yet they didn't realize that Magua had associations with the British. Magua turns on the colonel for the french and endeavors to accept the girls prisoner as a vengeance for the english slaughtering his family. This is the place the Mohawks become possibly the most important factor by attempting to protect the young ladies and they do everything they can to dodge Magua and the Huron with the goal that they can take the young ladies back to their dad at the fortification. The main issue is that the Huron follow up on vengeance, not for the French, But for themselves. This makes their craving for the young ladies more prominent, since they are under an eye of their opponents. This film by and large was generally excellent however, the initial 20 minutes were somewhat befuddling while I was attempting to make sense of the characters and where they had a place in the film. The film is fairly vicious however it is just that for one explanation, its about a war so I think it is acknowledged that there be some gore. The entire film generally speaking was ver acceptable despite the fact that at a couple of spots I felt it carried on a little to much that it should. The music in the film was extraordinary and it fit the film impeccably. I was just frustrated in a couple of focuses and that would need to be the means by which the parts tranquilize out and how the film finished. I feel that it ought to have had progressively sentimental closure rather then having her end her life however that is the manner by which it was intended to be. I would give this film a 3.5 out of 5 stars. ... <! Last of the Mohicans articles The Last of the Mohicans is broadly known as an extraordinary film, consolidating an assortment of components to make an inside and out understanding for the watcher. What isn't so normally perceived, is the measure of verifiable truth that is seen all through the film. In spite of the fact that the characters (except for the higher positioning officers) are commonly imaginary, just as the sentiment among Hawkeye and Cora Munro, the contention between the English and French was surely evident. Its depiction of the Seven Year War in America that truly gives The Last of the Mohicans its feeling of authenticity, which can be seen through its capacity to precisely annal the skirmishes of the war, just as catch the general perspectives and appearances of the officers. The Last of the Mohicans is notable for its epic fight successions, however on the off chance that we look past the tasteful intrigue of these scenes, we can see a certified exertion to precisely reproduce the contention among France and England for control of the American and Canadian states. Normally, a few characters and occasions are adorned to expand the diversion esteem, yet there is as yet an astounding measure of chronicled precision all through the film. The principal case of this is seen during the French attack on Fort William Henry, and the fight that Hawkeye and his partners unearth. In the film, General Munro discusses the French beating the post into the ground with mortar fire from gradually moving toward channels. This is in truth evident, as per a few records of the fight the constant French gun and mortar barrage in the long run pave the way to the full acquiescence of the fortress on August ninth, 1757 . The specific conditions around the last capitulation may hav e shifted somewhat based on what was shown in the film, however the fundamental truth remains that the post was in the end given up to the French, and the English troopers were sent back to Europe (or possibly a... <! Last of the Mohicans expositions James Cooper was an extraordinary essayist, and exceptionally capable with portrayals. This would clarify the colossal detail the film includes, and the incredible perspectives the film imparts to its crowds. The characters comprised of the regular majors and minors. The majors included Nathaniel or Hawkeye, as hes alluded to in the film, Chincagook, the dad, Uncas, the remainder of the Mohican clan, the Huron warriors (adversaries), Mogua (Leader of the enemies), and the British official Duncan and the Colonel Munro, who instructed Fort William Henry. I truly cant see sitting around idly summing up each of the ten scenes. I cannot recollect that much detail to turn out to be all that. Fundamentally, Im going to give my outline of it. It opens with Nathaniel and his dad, and Uncas going through the forested areas, appropriate trivial until Nathaniel raises his rifle and slaughters the Elk they were pursuing, giving the scene a real point, however, a dose of what they were pursuing would have made the scene significantly more fascinating. It at that point goes to the lodge in the wild wilderness, where they talk with a neighborhood minute man about the British and French fights. We are then taken to the British Fort, the name gets away from me at press time, and are indicated the discussion between the civilian army pioneer and the British General Webb, who is sending a dispatch to Fort William Henry with a regiment and an Indian guide, subsequently, Mogua enters. Nathaniel and his 2 shadows are there, over hearing this, and leave in front of the regiment, traveling west to trap and chase where the land isnt harmed by the war. On their approach to Fort William Henry, the gathering is assaulted when Mogua executes the boss. Be that as it may, Nathaniel and Uncas and Chincagook make all the difference, they come in firearms a bursting and take out the Huron war party. To shield this from going 3 pages, from that point, they go to Fort Willia ... <! Last of the Mohicans expositions In the Last of the Mohicans Nathaniel, or Hawkeye, ends up being an undertaking legend because of his striking and gallant activities. Nathaniel shows he is all around adjusted to his environmental factors and is synchronized with nature. He utilizes the wild for his potential benefit while as yet regarding it for it is he who profits naturally. He has extraordinary properties like mental fortitude and courage that permit him the title of a saint and his mind boggling battling aptitudes are unequaled by any other person in the film. He is without a doubt an experience saint. Despite the fact that Nathaniel in fact isnt an Indian yet rather an embraced White kid, he despite everything procures the regard to be known as a Mohican. He does that in showing a solid regard towards nature, which is demonstrated when they state a supplication in the wake of executing the creature during the initial scenes. His Indian name that was delegated to him was Hawkeye. Hawkeye can follow ponies just as people easily through the forested areas in different manners. Nathaniel is all around adjusted with nature and shows regard at Burial Grounds. Nathaniel appears to be cordial from the beginning and is happy to help other people without any musings of remunerations or advantages towards himself. He spares Monroes little girls and Duncan from the trap on their caravan and even goes similar to taking them to their mentioned goal. Additionally, he encourages them again when they are trapped by Indians while withdrawing after their acquiescence to the French. They escape by chance on kayaks over the stream and helps conceal away the girls behind a cascade. He becomes hopelessly enamored with Cora, the most established sister and pledges to return for her. Hawkeye remains consistent with his promise, similar to a genuine saint, and returns to rescuer his adoration. An unfathomable warrior is the ideal depiction while examining Nathaniels battling aptitudes. He is balanced and is more than agreeable while shooting a weapon or hand-to-hand battle. He battles various rivals during the m ... <! Last of the Mohicans articles I did my book evaluate on The Last of The Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper. James Fenimore Cooper was from an extremely rich family. He was conceived in 1789 in Burlington New Jersey, and had six siblings and sisters. He went to Yale when he was thirteen, yet was ousted in a matter of seconds after the fact. In 1806 James turned into a mariner for a year and afterward went through three years in the Navy. In 1811 he wedded Susan Augusta De Lancey. He composed The Last of The Mohicans in 1826. James Fenimore Cooper kicked the bucket in 1851, and is one of the most celebrated journalists on the planet. In The Last of The Mohicans the French-Indian War is occurring. Duncan Heyward is accompanying the Munro sisters from Fort Edward to Fort Henry, with Magua, who is an Indian and is their guide. The book happens in the late 1750s, and in western New York. The plot of the book is that Cora and Alice are being accompanied to their dad, Colonel Munro, by Major Duncan Heyward and the Indian Magua. Later they meet Hawkeye, who is a tracker and a scout, and David Gamut, who is a youthful Calvinist who is attempting to spread his religion through the outskirts. Hawkeye blames Magua for selling out his gathering by driving them the incorrect way. Afterward, Magua catches the Munro sisters, Heyward, and Gamut in a cavern. Hawkeye and the Mohicans come and spare them and murder the entirety of the Hurons, with the exception of Magua, who get away. A couple of days after the fact they arrive at Fort William Henry, and when there is a fight going on, Magua recovers Alice, Cora, and Gamut. Hawkeye and the Mohicans discover Maguas trail a couple of days after the fact and discover them. A rebel Huron executes Cora, and Magua wounds Uncas (an individual from the Mohicans) in the back and slaughters him. At that point Hawkeye shoots Magua and he at last kicks the bucket. There were a couple of significant characters in this book. One of the significant characters was Duncan Heyward. Duncan Heyward was a significant in the English armed force. He is additionally an American homesteader from the South, and in the book is attempting to watch the little girls of one of his ... <! Last of The Mohicans expositions Last Of The Mohicans V. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner There are the two similitudes and contrasts between Last

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline - Questions

'The Orphan Train' by Christina Baker Kline - Questions The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline moves to and fro between two stories that of a youthful vagrant young lady in the mid twentieth century and that of an adolescent in the cutting edge child care framework. Thusly, book clubs that read this book have the chance to examine American history, child care issues or the connections between characters in this specific novel. Pick among these conversation inquiries as you choose which strings are generally intriguing for your gathering to talk about more profoundly. Spoiler Warning: Some of these inquiries uncover subtleties from the finish of the novel. Finish the book before perusing on. Questions AboutThe Orphan Train The prolog parts with a considerable lot of the subtleties of Vivians life, for example, when her folks kicked the bucket and the way that her genuine romance would pass on when she was 23. Did you recollect these subtleties as you read the novel? Do you think the prolog adds something imperative to the story?In numerous ways, the fundamental story in this book is Vivians; in any case, the books opening and shutting sections are in Spring Harbor in 2011 and contain Mollys story. For what reason do you think the writer decided to outline the novel with Mollys experience?Were you increasingly associated with one string of the story the past or present, Vivians or Mollys? Do you think moving to and fro among time and the two stories added something to the novel that would have been missing on the off chance that it was one direct story? Or on the other hand do you think it brought down the primary narrative?Had you knew about the vagrant trains before perusing this novel? Do you think t here were advantages to the framework? What were the drawbacks that the novel highlighted?Compare and balance Vivians encounters with Mollys. What are a few different ways that the present child care framework despite everything needs to improve? Do you figure any framework could manage the gap gave when a youngster loses their folks (either through death or disregard)? Molly and Vivian each clutched an accessory connecting them to their social legacy despite the fact that their initial encounters inside those societies were not so much positive. Talk about why you think legacy is (or isn't) imperative to individual identity.Does molly complete a portage venture for school responding to the inquiries, What did you decide to carry with you to the following spot? What did you abandon? What bits of knowledge did you increase about whats significant? (131). Take some time as a gathering to share your own encounters moving and how you would respond to these inquiries personally.Did you think Vivian and Mollys relationship was believable?Why do you think Vivian decided to surrender her child? Vivian says of herself, I was a quitter. I was narrow minded and apprehensive (251). Do you think that is true?Why do you think Vivian inevitably takes Molly up on her proposal to help her reconnect with her little girl? Do you believe that learning reality with rega rds to Maisie affected her decision?Why do you think Vivians story assists Molly with encountering more harmony and conclusion with her own? Rate The Orphan Train on a size of 1 to 5. The Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline was distributed in April 2013Publisher: William Morrow288 Pages

Avoid These 10 Words in Formal Writing

Stay away from These 10 Words in Formal Writing Idealists may disclose to you that a considerable lot of the words in the rundown beneath arent truly words by any means, however that is misdirecting, best case scenario. A couple of the words are just incorrect spellings, and the rest are casual articulations or slang states that as often as possible show up in regular discourse (or vernacular). In any case, as per the shows of Standard English, each of the 10 of the accompanying words ought to be kept away from in reports, papers, examine papers, and every other sort of formal composition. alotAlot (single word) is a typical incorrect spelling of a ton (two words). [W]e all may compose alot one day, says The American Heritage Guide to Contemporary Usage (2005), however for the present remember that alot is as yet viewed as a blunder in print.â and etc.Because the contraction and so on (from the Latin and whatnot) implies, etc, and so on. is excess. Regardless, abstain from utilizing and so on in your expositions: frequently it gives the feeling that you essentially cant consider whatever else to add to a list. anywheresHuck Finn can pull off saying, There warnt a sound anywheres, yet on formal events drop the terminal s. On the off chance that anywheres shows up anyplace in your word reference, its likely marked nonstandard or dialectal.could ofDont confound this nonstandard structure with the withdrawal couldve. Could of (alongside ought to of and would of) can and ought to be supplanted by could have (and ought to have and would have). Concerning coulda, shoulda, woulda, abstain from harping on them-both recorded as a hard copy and in life.hisselfThis elective type of the reflexive pronoun himself is regularly heard in specific vernaculars, yet in formal composing avoid hisself (and theirself too however both were viewed as acceptable utilization in Middle and Early-Modern English). furtherestThe relative type of far is more distant or further. The standout structure is most remote or uttermost. Nothings picked up by consolidating the two forms. irregardlessThis twofold negative (ir-toward the start and - less toward the end) may not merit Bryan Garners mark of semiliterate . . . boorishness, yet hes presumably right that in print it ought to have been gotten rid of quite a while in the past (Garners Modern American Usage, 2009). Utilize in any case instead.itsIts is a possessive pronoun (like their). Its is a withdrawal of it is or it has. That leaves nothing for its to do-so hurl it.â lets usLets us implies let us. To maintain a strategic distance from the redundancy, compose lets (She lets us play in her yard) or (Lets play in her yard) or let us (Let us pray). nohowIf you have the ability to compose, you dont should be advised to keep away from nohow. Rather use not the slightest bit or not under any condition.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Internet Impacts on Global Business Essay

There are bunches of points of interest for independent company to work together on the Internet. Relies upon the sort of business, it isn't vital for everyone to work together on the Internet. Preceding the creation of the Internet, Large worldwide firms could chip away at progresses in getting to the most up to date mechanical data, trading data, and arriving at universal clients. The Internet can help lessen data asymmetry and allows independent ventures to act like huge worldwide organizations. Initially, little firms would instant be able to access to any new mechanical advances that can assist them with rivaling huge firms. Besides, the Internet can enable little firms to decrease correspondence expenses to the huge firms’ level in meeting with providers, clients, or representatives everywhere throughout the world. Thirdly, the Internet can assist little firms with reaching worldwide market in low expenses. Any potential clients on the planet can cooperate with the organizations through their sites regardless of the organizations are little or huge, nearby or worldwide. Albeit numerous independent ventures have achievement in worldwide market on the Internet, private company that have not yet gone online despite everything needs to assess the impacts of the Internet and get whether an Internet nearness is essential. No having an Internet nearness isn't constantly perilous for an organization. For instance, the organization that benefits the clients in nearby network doesn't have to build up a site since it can contact clients face to face. The protection might be in peril on the Internet if the organization has insufficient assets for the security.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Greener Pastures The Launch of StaGreen

Greener Pastures The Launch of StaGreen Case Study: Greener Pastures: The Launch of StaGreen Greener Pastures The Launch of StaGreen Case Study: Greener Pastures: The Launch of StaGreen

Sunday, June 21, 2020

2014 Tips for the Columbia Supplement to the Common Application

What makes Columbia special? When I visited Columbia University, it was clear to me that the undergraduate college takes distinct pride in two things: the 100-year-old Core Curriculum and the University’s relationship with the city in which it resides. Â  The Columbia University supplement reflects those emphases. Â  As a prospective student, I encourage you to think about how these two components of the Columbia education fit with your educational goals. The Columbia supplement consists of several lists and three short answer questions. Â  For the quick questions about your interests, which ask you to list books, concerts, media that you have enjoyed over the past year, provide straightforward responses. Â  As an academically engaged student, there should be plenty of media and arts that have captured your attention. Â  Share both the mundane and the more unusual. Â  If you have a strong interest in a subject area, chances are your reading interests at least peripherally relate. Â  The Core Curriculum at Columbia includes humanities courses that focus on music and art in addition to literature, and the question about performances or exhibits dovetails with this component of the curriculum. These courses also take advantage of the rich opportunities available to students in New York City. The three 300 word responses are equally straightforward. Â  With each of these questions, remember to relate your answers to your own experiences and how they have impacted you. This year, Columbia is one of a number of colleges who have adapted the expand upon an extracurricular activity from previous versions of the Common Application. Â  The second question asks you to expand upon one of the books, artworks, or creative works you listed earlier in the supplement. The final response asks applicants what they consider most appealing about Columbia. Â  In answering this, you have so many options, including Columbias place as one of the few remaining colleges with a swim test (College only, not engineering) but think carefully about what makes Columbia special, including the integration of a strong campus center (the vast majority of students live on campus for four years) with the accessibility of the city and its commitment to a core curriculum. Â  There are many facets to Columbia that make it distinctive, and therefore, your short answers about your interest in Columbia should be specific. Â  If you feel that you need more information about Columbia and its programs, check the website for more information about their fall evening programs in cities around the United States. Columbia is a member of the Common Application, and does offer an early decision program for students who are confident that Columbia is their first choice. ~ Helping You Write Your Best

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Modest Proposal Is Protesting - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 491 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Modest Proposal Essay Did you like this example? Â  Not everything an author writes is meant to be taken seriously. In Swifts A Modest Proposal he is using sarcasm and litotes to tell england they have to many poor people. This proposal is not meant to make fun of the poor people. Swifts purpose of A Modest Proposal was to show that what was being done to the irish people wasnt right . He was showing the people of Ireland that this is what they were allowing to happen to their people. The poor people were not getting any type of money while the rich people were getting more snobby. Swift uses breeders to refer to women. He is basically saying that they were not needed to do anything else but have baby they could eat. Some of the ideas in A Modest Proposal would confuse people if they didnt know that he was making a fun of how Ireland treats their poor people compared to their rich people. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Modest Proposal Is Protesting" essay for you Create order A Modest Proposal is protesting the treatment of the poor people in Ireland by the English government. Swift says that the proposal is giving a solution to preventing the children of the poor people in Ireland from causing more issues in the country. When Swift uses the word modest in the title he is already introducing irony , because the proposal is crazy. You only need to read a few lines to realize that this proposal is not modest. The irony that swift shows throughout the proposal is recognized in the justification s of his arguments it is agreed by all parties that overpopulation of children is a problem that is an additional grievance to the current deplorable state of Ireland (line 230). So whoever could find out a fair, cheap, and easy method of making these children useful members of the commonwealth would deserve so well of the public as to have this statue set up a preserver of the nation (line 230). Further down the text you are able to understand the meaning of the pro posal. Swift also uses litotes for example I have not the least personal interest (line 290). Litotes is when a negative statement is used to conform a positive statement. The litotes in the story suggest that swift is actually concerned for the Irish people. The proposer aka the narrator is cold-hearted, and the ruthless of his logic. He represents the hypocrisy in the story. The narrator never gives away his identity. He is more interested in trying solving all of Irelands problems by suggesting that we eat children, A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore and hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt will be very good boiled on the fourth day especially in the winter time (line 274). He is suggesting that if everyone eats the babies and the children that it will help to solve the poverty issues.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Prevailing Message Throughout Sophocles Antigone And...

The prevailing message throughout Sophocles’ Antigone and King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is that civil disobedience serves the purpose of fighting and correcting injustice in situations where systemic breaks in adherence to natural law occurs. Injustice here as used here is not to be synonymous with things that are simply unlawful or unfair, but instead takes on a deeper and more specific definition pertaining to the natural moral codes that all laws, as argued by King and Antigone, ought to be based upon. It is by this definition that both Antigone and King find reasoning; that civil disobedience is absolutely necessary as the final option one must take when dealing with systemic, top-down injustice. Where there is dissonance between†¦show more content†¦In lines 449-525, when Creon examines Antigone after the burial of her brother, Antigone plainly admits that she follows Zeus’ moral laws before Creon’s law, citing Zeus’ to be â€Å" unwritten and unshakable† and â€Å"forever†, which contrasts with Creon’s, which are ephemerally â€Å"for now or yesterday†. Antigone’s extremism typified in her willingness to die just to correct a single lapse in morality that exists within the law makes the importance placed upon founding law in morality as clear as it can possibly be. King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is a near perfect articulation of his revolutionary ideas on the nature and purpose of civil disobedience. Like Antigone, King’s intent for civil disobedience is to mend a gap between legal and natural law. His reasoning is more specific and less idealized than Antigone’s, but at a basic level, it’s the same struggle to fight for morality in law that compels him to write this letter. King saw the (important to note) legally justified treatment of Blacks in America as a crime against humanity – similar in function to Creon’s decree and Antigone’s reaction thereafter. King saw civil disobedience as a last resort, but the only option in the face of a systemic break in the rule of law and natural law, speaking to a larger idea of the nature

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Ethics Reflection Paper Str 581 Week 1 - 1312 Words

Running head: WEEK 1; ETHICS REFLECTIONS PAPER Assignment: Week 1; Ethics Reflections Paper By Judith Judson STR 591 – Phoenix Campus University of Phoenix Facilitator: Dr. Mark Kolesinsky Week 1, July 18, 2012 Ethics Reflection Paper In the last decade, ethics in corporate America has become highly publicized following the discovery of unethical and fraudulent business practices in major corporations. Practices at Tyco, Enron, Arthur Anderson, and WorldCom, among others, have made these corporate names synonymous with corporate fraud. The unethical behavior of top executives such as Bernard â€Å"Bernie† Madoff and Martha Stewart for example, have resulted in critical issues for companies and wide reaching job loss.†¦show more content†¦My ethical perspectives have evolved through my MBA curriculum by inspiring changes in my choices and behaviors. My awareness concerning ethical and social responsibilities has also changed. I have been educated about the magnitude of ethical demeanor and development of my guiding principles in addition to cultivating a positive societal image. Moral values and norms result in behaviors valued by the workplace and society. Based on my perspective, an individual should not demonstrate unethical actions for the sake of his or her vested interests. Practicing a moral approach demonstrates a commitment to critical social responsibilities. This also raises the question of altruism. Some people agree with the altruistic concept while others oppose the philosophy. Should individuals assume a sympathetic stance for the sole purpose of assisting others? Some take the sympathetic stance to the extreme of â€Å"carrying† others or taking on the responsibilities of others. In my view, practicing an ethical code of conduct is obligatory as well as giving consideration to the requests of external as well as internal stakeholders without assuming the responsibilities of others. Donating to the social welfare of society is crucial as individuals should not enact unethical behaviors that are destructive to others or society. To cheat [someone] for the benefit of anyone [others] is not an ethical or â€Å"right†Show MoreRelatedStr 581 Strategic Planning Implementation /Complete Class866 Words   |  4 PagesSTR 581 Strategic Planning Implementation /Complete Class Click Link below To Purchase: STR 581 Week 1 Individual Assignment: Ethics Reflection Paper Resources: Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments Use the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to revisit your personal and professional values. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Longitudinal Relationship Between Maltreatment And...

The primary purpose for conducting this present study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between maltreatment and parental neglect with the prevalence of obesity in children, represented by a representative sample from Houston. The study concluded that both maltreatment and parental neglect are both significantly correlated with the increased nature of childhood BMI measurements over time. Specifically, children that are exposed to a certain type of maltreatment and/or neglect have a greater rate of risk of attaining an increased BMI compared to the normal BMI of children their age as stated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Finally, the study found that if a child has experienced both maltreatment and parental neglect in unison, they are only related to affect the BMI at baseline; however, there is no effect on the rate of growth in the BMI. Two previous studies concluded that there was a cross-sectional relationship between childhood obesity and maltreatment (Lissau Sorensen, 1994; Whitaker et al., 2007). Also, there was a previous study that examined the relationship between neglect and maltreatment in a longitudinal study as well (Shin Miller, 2012). In that study it was found that children who were mistreated have BMIs that grow at significantly faster rates than those of non-mistreated children. Parental neglect was also related to increase BMI at baseline when it co-occurred with childhood physical abuse, a result thatShow MoreRelatedA Research On Parenting Aspects Of Military Connected Families And Their Children With Preschool Children1144 Words   |  5 Pagesliterature reveals both parent and child suffer emotional and physical problems in the midst of military deployment and reintegration (reunion period after deployment). 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Additionally, any neglectful act can lead to physical or emotional harm and in some cases death of a childRead MoreThe Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency On Teens864 Words   |  4 Pagesconduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is a beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action; 2: a violation of law committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or live imprisonment. (Cite). In this topic, I will explain more about family factors in which it has major influence on teens such as the way parents discipline a child, parental conflict or separation, parental abuse or neglect or criminal parents or siblings. What has causes children to act out? ItRead M oreAttachment in Developmental Psychology1796 Words   |  8 Pagesthe development of attachment disorders. Depressed mothers, parental divorce, and maltreatment situations have all been investigated to establish their connections to attachments disorders in children. By identifying the factors related to attachment disorders, the development of attachment disorders can be reduced by taking actions against these factors. Maternal Depression   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A great deal of research has found a link between maternal depression and the appearance of attachment disordersRead MoreThe Relationship Between Child Maltreatment And Delinquency3358 Words   |  14 PagesJUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND DRUG USE Childhood Maltreatment and Delinquency By Ebele Udeogalanya St. John’s University CRM 119 Dr. Marquis R. White October 22nd 2014 I. Introduction and Justification This thesis proposal hopes to examine the relationship between child maltreatment in the form of physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and subsequent juvenile delinquency as well as future adult criminal offending. Physical abuseRead MoreParental Punishment946 Words   |  4 Pagesdemographic features? (Taylor, Manganello, Lee, Rice, 2010). Many studies have been completed that have shown an affiliation between the two factors, the independent variable being a mother’s use of CP and the dependent variable being the index of the child’s aggression at age 5. This longitudinal study, with a small survey component, was investigated through the In-Home Longitudinal Study of Preschool-Aged Children, where four different batches of data were gathered. Those four batches consisted of theRead MoreEffects of Child Abuse on Juvenile Delinquency4283 Words   |  18 Pagesthat a correlation exists between the effects of child abuse and delinquency. Common problematic behaviors are socialization changes and learning abilities from early childhood to adolescence. Studies indicated correlations along with social theories such as the Social Control Theory which is dominant in explaining the relevance of these correlations. Researchers have developed programs such as early intervention and prevention programs to prevent child abuse and neglect since they are risk factorsRead MoreUnderstanding Juvenile Delinquency in the United States2225 Words   |  9 PagesStatistics show that in the United States, there were more than 4,000 arrests â€Å"for every 100,000 youths† between the ages of 10 and 17 in 2011 (USDOJJDP, 2011a). Juvenile delinquency is defined by Webster’s dictionary as â€Å"conduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action† (â€Å"Juvenile delinquency,† n.d.). A number of jurisdictions have been exerting effort to prevent minor offenders from involvement in the juvenile delinquencyRead MoreThe Epidemic of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) 2524 Words   |  11 PagesTrocmà ¨ et al., 2010 previously indicated that patients with maltreatment and AUDs were more susceptible to disorder because abusive parents often have AUDs. The study in review is Goldstein, et al., titled â€Å"Childhood Maltreatment, Alcohol Use Disorders and Treatment Utilization in a National Sample of Emerging Adults,† sought out to directly relate AUDs and childhood maltreatment by eliminating certain variables as factors, such as parental h istory of AUD, noted by the previous study Trocmà © et al.Read MoreWhile Children’S Delinquency Has Been Tied To A Wide Variety1029 Words   |  5 Pagesfathers than mothers. Rising rates of parents being incarcerated have led to an increasing number of children affected by paternal imprisonment. The number of parents in state and federal prisons with children under the age of 18 more than doubled between 1986 and 1997; rising from 273,045 in 1986 to 637,309 in 1997†(Johnson Waldfogel, 2002). Approximately 600,00 children (about 10 in every 1,000 U.S children) had a parent in state or federal prison in 1986, compared to over 1.3 million children

Nike, Inc. Case Study Free Essays

string(92) " number of days since the last payment, 173, from the number of days in the period, 182 = \." Nike Valuation At North Point Group we believe we have developed the formula for investing success. As you know better than anyone, our Large-cap fund has exceeded all possible expectations in recent years as it outperformed the SP 500 by 30% with respect to returns in 2000 and has continued the trend into 2001; as of the end of June 2001 it has already produced returns of 6. 4% while the SP 500 has continued to struggle producing a return of -7. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike, Inc. Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3%. We believe these results are made possible by our â€Å"workhorses† of the market as we like to call them. For those of you that don’t know these â€Å"workhorses† are our holdings in companies that have been there through the history of modern America. These companies are those such as 3M, General Motors, McDonalds, and ExxonMobil, which have gone through the many roller-coaster type rises and falls that defines our nation’s economy and has utilized these experiences to prosper and grow step for step with our nation. We are here today to share and discuss our recent findings in our search for another candidate worthy of investment from our Large-Cap Fund. The company originally named â€Å"Blue Ribbon Sports,† now Nike Inc. has caught our attention. Initially known for their athletic performance shoes, Nike has developed itself into a sporting good and apparel monster while maintaining their domination in the athletic shoe sector over the last fifty years. In 1997, Nike reached the top of their game in terms of revenue, when they reported $9 billion in revenues in their annual report; however, since then their revenues have been at a virtual stand-still, hovering around $9 billion for the past five years. Despite their lack of improvement in the last half-decade we see progress in their near future, especially with them already well into the stage of recognizing problem issues within the company. They have realized that one of their major issues is that which made them into what they are today, their athletic shoes. They have maintained a large share of the athletic shoe market throughout their history but they have only just recently noticed that this share is slowly diminishing through time, as it has dropped six percent from 1997 to 2000. After taking a step back and looking at the big picture they realized their error in the recent past, they have placed too much of their focus on producing high-end, high-priced athletic shoes and have forgotten about the mid-priced shoes segment which fueled their growth for decades, and yet still remained the producer of 30% of their revenues. This focus will help bring the Nike brand shoe back into the homes of any American home no matter their income level. Along with their shoes, Nike has other plans to rejuvenate their corporate performance. The biggest of all was the acquisition of top exec, the former president and chief executive of the Polo Jeans division of rival Jones Apparel Group, Mindy Grossman. Nike sought out Ms. Grossman because of her exceptional performance in the clothing industry in hopes that she would take their apparel division to the top; a result which is not far beyond belief when considering the vast resources and influence that Nike already possesses. The hopes within the company are that these tweaks to their corporate approach along with some minor cost cutting adjustments in the company’s operations and administration will drive the company up the incline of revenue growth. With Nike reigniting their pursuit for excellence and fueling this fire by restoring their staple, mid-priced athletic shoes fit for every American, to its glory; it’s easy to believe in the potential of Nike, Inc. and jump on the bandwagon. Even though we believe in the potential of Nike, further financial evaluation is necessary before a decision affecting everyone in this room can be made. We got excited about the prospect of Nike becoming part of our fund not because of the name, and the reputation it carries with it, but because of their remarkable success through numerous decades and varying economic conditions. These factors paired with their current economic struggles and the impact those on the market price of Nike makes them a prime value investing candidate. WACC: We choose the weighted average cost of capital to use as our discount rate. We did this because we calculated future cash flows using the free cash flow to the firm method. By using this method we are able to account for the total free cash flows available to the owners after all expenses. This means that debt is accounted for in the intrinsic value of the company. In order to compute the WACC the following inputs must be calculated; cost of equity, after tax cost of debt, weight of equity and weight of debt. In this section of the analysis we will give a step by step breakdown of how we computed those inputs. Cost of Debt: The cost of debt is rate at which a company pays on its current outstanding debt. This rate is comprised of things like loans or bonds. Nike conveniently has only one issue of publicly traded debt. This is a bond that pays a 6. 75% coupon semi-annually. It was issued on 7/15/10 and is mature on 7/15/21. The current market price is $95. 60. To calculate the cost of debt we found the YTM of the only current outstanding bond issue. As of today we are nine days away from a coupon payment on 7/15/01. After this coupon payment there will be 40 more coupon payments. We are making the assumption that a coupon is paid on the date of maturity. As stated the price of the bond listed today is $95. 60. If the bond were actually to be bought and sold the price would need to reflect the interest accrued since the last coupon payment. To calculate this we subtracted the number of days since the last payment, 173, from the number of days in the period, 182 = . You read "Nike, Inc. Case Study" in category "Free Case study samples" 95. We then took that number and multiplied it by the coupon payment divided by 2 in order to realize the coupon payment per period. (6. 75/2)= 3. 375(. 95) = $3. 2. Based on these calculations we have calculated the following inputs to solve for the YTM. Cost of Equity: The cost of equity is the return that stockholders require to invest in a company. There are many different ways to compute this value. We will look at CAPM, DDM and the earnings capitalization ratio. CAPM: We looked at two different ways to calculate CAPM. First using the 3 month T-Bill as a risk free rate (3. 59%) along with the arithmetic average of returns from 1926-1999 (7. 50%) to calculate the market risk premium. We used a beta of . 8 which is the average of the last 6 years. We believe this to be a good estimate because it accounts for volatility and decreased possible variance. Below is our calculation for the cost of equity. In the alternative CAPM model we used the 10 year Treasury bond as the risk free rate instead of the 3 month. We also used the geometric average of historical returns as the market risk premium. Below is the estimation of the alternative Cost of Equity. We believe that the second calculation of the CAPM using the 10 year bond and the geometric average is a more accurate representation of the cost of equity. The 10 year bond rate is a better indication of the real risk free rate since the fund is looking at value stocks which are generally held for longer periods of time. The geometric mean is also a more realistic calculation of the market risk premium because it calculated real return, as opposed to the arithmetic average which is just a straight average calculation. DDM: The calculation of the dividend discount model required a dividend growth rate and the current stock price. We obtained the dividend growth rate of 5. 5% from Valueline. The current share price is $42. 09. The calculation of the cost of capital using the DDM is below. The dividend discount model works best with companies that follow the constant slow growth path. This is because their dividends are generally a good reflection of earnings. Since Nike is not a slow growing company and their dividends are not highly correlated with changes in earnings we do not recommend using the DDM to estimate the cost of equity. Earnings Capitalization Rate: The earnings cap rate is the opposite of the P/E ratio. The inputs include an implicit growth rate which we calculated by multiplying current ROE by the current retention ratio of earnings. This growth rate is used to project EPS for the next year. The inputs and calculation of the cost of equity is shown below. The earnings capitalization ratio is not a good estimate of the cost of equity for the same reason the DDM was not a good model. This is because the retention ratio and the dividend payout ratio are dependent on each other. Since the dividend payout ratio is not a good indication of earnings than neither is a model that uses the retention ratio. Value of Debt: To effectively calculate the value of debt we used the market value of debt instead of the book value. This gives a better approximation of the current value of the debt. To calculate the market value we discounted the LT debt value that we obtained from the balance sheet. Below are the inputs and the present value of the LT debt. In addition to the market value of long term debt we need to add short term debt. This includes the current LT debt payment and the notes payable as found on the 2001 balance sheet. After adding these values we obtained the total market value of debt. Value of Equity: To find the value of the equity we used the market value of the current equity instead of using the book value. The market equity is calculated by multiplying the current number of shares by the current market price. Calculation is shown below. Capital Structure: Based on the market value of the debt and equity we calculated the capital structure. The numbers are shown below. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} WACC Calculation: To calculate the WACC we combined the weights of equity and value with the cost of each. The equation is as follows: {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} (11,503/12,550) X 3. 42% + (1,047/12,550) X 2. 12% = 9. 44% {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} {draw:custom-shape} Discounted Cash Flow Analysis: Revenue: To have a better estimate of Nike’s current condition, we calculated its discounted cash flow in order to find its NPV and a more realistic measure of Nike’s share price. We estimate that in the next 10 years Nike will have a revenue growth ranging from 6 to 7 percent. In 2002, revenue growth is projected to be at 7 percent. From 2003 to 2005, revenue growth will be 6. 5 percent. In the last 6 years of the forecast, Nike will experience a growth rate of 6 percent. The rationale behind this sales growth forecast is that Nike will be developing more midpriced shoes and increasing its apparel line. The midpriced shoes will offer consumers more affordable selection so sales are likely to increase. Nike’s plan to push its apparel line is also a good strategy to increase sales because athletic apparel is a good complementary to their shoes. Revenue growth will kick off with a good start but it’s projected to fall slightly to a more sustainable growth rate. COGS, SGA: As Nike’s sales rate slowly declines in the next 10 years, their percentage of Cost of Goods Sold over Sales and Selling, General Administrative percentage also decline. Nike plans to cut costs in the next 10 years. So as their costs decrease and sales increase, their percentage of COGS and SGA to sales will decrease. NWC: Next, we calculated Nike’s change in net working capital. Net working capital is current assets minus current liabilities. To do this, we took the average of Nike’s asset in percentage to sales and liabilities over sales for the last 4 years. (Refer to Exhibit A). We then take those numbers and multiply it by the projected revenue to get the project current assets and current liabilities for the next 10 years. We took the difference to get the net working capital. The change in net working capital would be just the difference of one year to the next. Exhibit A. CAPEX, net Depr: We calculated the Capital Expenditure and depreciation using a similar model. The 2001 Nike annual report gave us some guidance that CAPEX would not increase in 2002 from the previous year. Based on an increasing cost of depreciation we forecasted 2002 CAPEX net Depr. to be $120 million. Using this projected 2002 value and the three years previous we calculated an average CAPEX net Depr. (See Exhibit B) We feel this average is the best way to estimate an unpredictable CAPEX number. We used this average in our forecasts through 2011. Exhibit B. Free Cash Flow: After we attain all the CAPEX and the change in NWC, we were able to do a ash flow by taking our net operating income after tax less CAPEX and NWC. For our terminal value, we used the Gordon growth model with a 3 percent growth rate. In our terminal value, we added back the CAPEX value because capital expenditure will eventually be zero in the future. We feel that it won’t be accurate to have a negative value for CAPEX fo r our terminal value. After calculating the future cash flows for Nike, we were able to find the intrinsic value of the company. Using our WACC of 9. 44 percent, we attained a NPV of $15,963 million. During this time, Nike had a current debt balance of about $1,047 million. We subtracted the debt from the NPV to get an equity value for the company of about $14,916 million. We took Nike’s equity value and divided by their total number of shares outstanding of 273. 3 for 2001 and got a price of $54. 58. Compared to the current market price of Nike’s stock of only $42. 09, Nike’s stock is undervalued by almost 30 percent. Based on our new estimates of Nike’s value, we think that these numbers reflect the company better than what the market says. We also did a sensitivity analysis of Nike’s stock using various discount rates. We can see that even at a discount rate of 12 percent, Nike’s stock would be $44. 7. This is still about $2 more than what the market valued Nike. Conclusion: Knowing that our key to success has been a value investing approach to Large-Cap mutual funds, it is easy to see that we are recommending the investment in Nike, Inc. on the basis of the findings of our financial analysis, which reports t he company as undervalued by over 29%. Essentially we are saying that according to our best analysis we believe that the company should be valued by the market at a price 29% higher than it currently is. In terms of stock price this is saying that although Nike is currently selling at $42. 9 we believe it should be priced at $54. 58. It is easy to figure out how this creates value for you as investors as long as Nike stays true to form and true to their word. We do not see the powers that be letting Nike die; they recommitted themselves and the company to excellence and have taken appropriate action to signify their sincerity. Their modifications to expenses in combination with their push of apparel and shoes, which despite its decline in market share is responsible for 30% of Nike’s revenues, will bring Nike out of their current slump. They will ake this happen over time by slowly working down expenses, in particular cost of goods sold and selling and administration expense, while working to increase revenues. We feel very strongly on the accuracy of both our analytical and corporate analysis in part because despite increasing selling and administrative expenses and fluctuating revenues Nike has ended each fiscal year for the last few years with a positive economic value added result. Over the past three years Nike has ended with an average EVA of $387 million, showing that they can go above and beyond market and investor expectations even while in a slump. How to cite Nike, Inc. Case Study, Free Case study samples

Marketing Practices Questions

Question: What are the marketing practices and how do they apply to your organization or an organization that you are familiar with? Answer: 1. What are the marketing practices and how do they apply to your organization or an organization that you are familiar with? There are few things that are considered as the vital and indispensible part of an organization that is the marketing practices. The marketing practices of an organization are important in order to enhance and behold its position in the competitive environment of the industrial domain. The marketing practices of an organization includes the customer relationship management, human resource management, along with managing all other aspect of an organization in order to gain more profit and survive in the competitive environment. The marketing practices of Starbucks coffee can be cited in this regard which is situated in Seattle. The marketing strategies of Starbucks coffee are being exercised by keeping the fact of customer satisfaction as the most primary object of the organization. The mentioned organization adapted an effective strategy in relation to customer relationship management which has placed the organization in the leading position in the US (Dorn et al. 2016). 2. Planning and organizational skills. In this part the marketing skills and the capability to manage an opening day for a new business generated by the blisters hardware store in west Sydney would be discussed. As the manager have a budget of $ 30,000 for the concerned occasion, there has a need for marketing practices to be implemented in order to make the new business prominent in the industrial competitive market. The manager of this particular company could follow the marketing strategies of Starbucks coffee that has opened outnumbered outlets in all corners. The main purpose of the implementation of such strategies is to attract as much as eyes to the activities and existence of such business. There would some sizzlers and other food items in so that it would look like some kind of festival which would be able to attract the attention of people. In this regard the media needs to be involved in order to it could take the form of promotional and publicity activity. The most important principle in marketing strategies is the capability to manage crisis, for instance, if the budget will exceed there should always be a contingency plan that would help the organization to overcome the split second crisis. In this regard the example of TESCO can be cited as the organization has evidently reacted to the risks, competition and complexities related to the marketing strategies. Therefore, the planning and the managing skills regarding the marketing practices of blister hardware stores could be implemented by assessing the strategies of the previous success stories in the industrial region. 3. Methods of reviewing the effectiveness of marketing practices In order to review the effectiveness of the marketing practices it is important to obtain a clear concept about the practices actually means. Practices regarding market strategies can be referred to strategies, methodology, techniques of implementing strategies and tactics or approaches. Hence it is a vital point in this regard to identify the effectiveness of the practices of in order to have an appropriate insight about the success rate of an organization. There are various methods in this regard that can be mentioned like; the assessment of the marketing needs, implementation of more efficient programme design, revisiting the activeness of information systems and most important the market survey. Organizations like Starbucks and TESCO yearly conducts marketing survey in order to gain a proper idea about the effectiveness of their marketing strategies and customer relation strategies and also to improvise them if needed in the succeeding period (Turok and Taylor, 2006). 4. Documentation of the employed processes and activities The implemented marketing strategies and the processes in which, has been exercised in an organizations needs to be recorded for the comprehension about the improvement or the degeneration of the position of such organization in the industrial market. The documentation of such things can be made with the help of the implementation of information technology or software aided technology. The process documentation of organizations like Starbucks and TESCO are implemented in order to acquire and share the planning, project information as they are being developed so that the organization are able to take informed decision and adapt new strategies without revisiting the old information in this regard (Ungan, 2006). 5. Assessing learning skills for implementing appropriate research method It is very important for an organization to obtain a clear concept about the market position and the effectiveness of the marketing strategies in relation to the reaction of the customers and individuals related to the concerned field. In order to generate a proper research method it is very important to have a clear understanding about the learning skills that includes the process of collecting information about the concerned organization and also what other thinks about such marketing practices. In this regard the market survey of the organizations likes TESCO and Starbucks has presented research methods that include the quantitative and qualitative data collection from the market survey along with information related to other marketing practices. In this process the information are being gathered by conducting interviews with customers and employees or individuals acquiring proper comprehension about that particular field (Sindhwani and Ahuja, 2014). 6. Introducing research methods Each and every organization needs to form strategies that address the growth and development of the organization and a targeted group of customers or audience can prove to be the effective tool in this regard. For instance, the leafleting system regarding some information or to introduce some new offers on commodity can attract a particular group of audience. Each and every organization possesses a target group that are prone to any kind of deals and offers and this could draw desired benefit to the company. In this context the example of Starbucks coffee can be given as it has successfully attracted a large amount of customers instead of its high price. The leaflets that explain various deals and upcoming outlets of the coffee shop are able to attract a targeted group of people who does not expressed any previous interest in this regard. Therefore, it can be said that producing leaflets as a part of the marketing practices can be beneficial to an organization (Miocevic and Crnjak-Ka ranovic, 2012). 7. Demonstration of problem solving skills This is an evident fact that with all the positive outcomes of the implementation of effective marketing strategies, there comes some difficulties which could be handled by an efficient practice of problem solving skill. For example, if any issues regarding the ethical practices during the course of market survey of an organization would arouse therefore, it could be solved by convincing the participants or the individuals that no unethical practices regarding this particular activity would be allowed to maintain the comfort level of the participants helping in the survey. In this context example of TESCO can be given that the participants who are participating in the market survey have been assured that the information provided by them will not be disclosed to any third party along with their names and other information. In this regard any form of written assurance can be provided to the participants if needed (Lindon, 2009). 8. Identification of the profile of a relevant marketing segment. In order to provide a place in the market to a product ant organization needs to identify a particular market segment that will more likely to buy the product. The identification of a target group of customers will help in adapting new strategies that would help in gaining more profit in the future to the organization. The marketing strategies of TESCO are represented based on the target group customers who are not well aware of the functions of the retail industry. On the other hand the same thing can be said about the marketing practices of Starbucks coffee that also concentrated on the target group customers. Therefore, it is evident that identifying a particular targeted customer segment would surely help in rebuilding an organizations place in the competitive market (Dibb, 2010). 9. Definition of marketing mix, marketing, targeting and position The definition of the marketing mix can be described in terms of putting the right thing in right place at an appropriate time. The concept of marketing mixed is mainly based on the 4ps namely, price, product, promotion and place and all the four activities are being exercised with the circle of target market. The marketing process consists of three elements segmentation, targeting and positioning. In case of Starbucks and TESCO the market segment is being conducted based on the geographic and demographic aspects along with the economic background? The market segmentation is being employed in order to grab a strong hold in the competitive market. The targeting also can be included in the marketing mix process in which targeting particular segment of the market can encompass all the essential elements of marketing mix and the marketing strategies can be designed in accordance with the marketing mix elements. Finally the positioning can be defined in terms of injecting a particular pro duct within the targeted group of customers with the help of market segmentation and effective implementation of bandwagon theories in this regard (Goi, 2009). 10. Legislation regarding marketing practices In conducting and running a successful business it is important to maintain few rules and regulation within the legal framework for an organization. In this regard it is very important to mention that Starbucks coffee is fully committed to the laws and regulation of the country in which it is operating that has generated few laws regarding the marketing practices within the domain. Starbucks it very much flexible in relation to maintaining laws and regulation accelerated by the government. The legislative aspects in an organization are being employed in order to avoid unethical practices within the organization (Pattersonet al. 2010). 11. Marketing policies The implementation of marketing policies has appeared to be the most vital part to generate effectiveness in the marketing strategies of an organization. In this context the marketing policies of Starbucks can be depicted. The marketing policies includes, Target market The Starbucks outlets in the many corners are being visited by the business minded peoples are the main objective to target such group is generate the desire for Starbucks coffee rather than just to have it. Market trends The company has recognized that contemporary market trends that are able to attract more customers as it has emerged with an customer friendly organization while it is providing music books and Wi-Fi connectivity in all its outlets to the customers. Marketing objectives The main objective of Starbucks coffee is to present the brand globally. Marketing strategies The Starbucks coffee has implemented effective strategies with little more improvement in it. Marketing budget The company has made an investment a large amount of the total budget only in the improvement and adaptation of new marketing policies in recent years. Marketing mix The marketing mix includes the 4ps which are being actively exercised in promoting the brand image. Along with these marketing policies the Starbucks coffee has employed other policies like competitors, strength review, detecting the weaknesses of the marketing strategies and the most importantly the reassessment of the techniques and process on a monthly basis (Haskova, 2015). 12. Product and services The products and services of the Starbucks coffee can be described in this regard. The Starbucks coffee is one of the leading coffee shop outlets in US. It is providing the quality coffee to its customers. The customers are getting attracted more day by day instead of its high price. But the Starbucks is not only providing its customers with coffee but also with such a place where customers are able to enjoy a quality time of their own. It has generated effective marketing strategies with producing customer friendly outlets with quality ambience, music, books and internet connectivity. These marketing strategies have placed the organization on the top of the coffee industry in US (Everything but the coffee: learning about America from Starbucks, 2010). References Dibb, S. (2001). New millennium, new segments: moving towards the segment of one?.Journal of Strategic Marketing, 9(3), pp.193-213. Dorn, M., Messner, C. and Wnke, M. (2016). Partitioning the Choice Task Makes Starbucks Coffee Taste Better.JMB, 1(3-4), pp.363-384. Everything but the coffee: learning about America from Starbucks. (2010).Choice Reviews Online, 47(08), pp.47-4511-47-4511. Goi, C. (2009). A Review of Marketing Mix: 4Ps or More?.IJMS, 1(1). Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis.CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study, 2015(1). Haskova, K. (2015). Starbucks Marketing Analysis.CRIS - Bulletin of the Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Study, 2015(1). Lindon, J. (2009). The skills of problem solving.Child Care, 6(8). Miocevic, D. and Crnjak-Karanovic, B. (2012). The mediating role of key supplier relationship management practices on supply chain orientationThe organizational buying effectiveness link.Industrial Marketing Management, 41(1), pp.115-124. Patterson, P., Scott, J. and Uncles, M. (2010). How the local competition defeated a global brand: The case of Starbucks.Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 18(1), pp.41-47. Sindhwani, P. and Ahuja, V. (2014). A Study of Online Co-Creation Strategies of Starbucks Using Netnography.International Journal of Online Marketing, 4(1), pp.39-51. Turok, I. and Taylor, P. (2006). A skills framework for regeneration and planning.Planning Practice and Research, 21(4), pp.497-509. Ungan, M. (2006). Standardization through process documentation.Business Process Mgmt Journal, 12(2), pp.135-148.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Electronic Commerce in Private Purchasing free essay sample

I guess you can say that ecommerce started back in the 70’s with EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), in the 80’s with EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The 90’s around 1995 is when the internet move from the federal sector to commercial sector when NSF (National Science Foundation) decommissioned NSFNET and move assets to vBNS (Very-High-Speed Backbone Network Services) which serves as a testing ground for the next generation of internet technologies, which allow ISP (Internet Service Providers) to develop. After the internet was develop we had an explosive growth mostly in â€Å"Dot Coms† ventures many professional left the major firm and job security to join start ups for the promise of millions of dollar. In the mid 2000 when the NASDAQ collapsed in March hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs, stock values plummeted and thousand of company filed bankruptcy, downsized or were taken over by competitors. The subsequent stock market crash caused the loss of $5 trillion in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. By the early 2003 companies that were well-conceived internet based companies were proving their values, consumers became confidence in buying over the internet and business began to realize the internet can create true operation efficiencies and increase profit. The explosion in the use of the Internet has paved the way for several path-breaking innovations. One of the most interesting and exciting aspects of this evolution is the emergence of electronic business (e-business) as a mainstream and viable alternative to more traditional methods of businesses being conducted today. E-business is defined as the process of using electronic technology to do business. It is the day and age of electronic business. Also the structure of the Web is rapidly evolving from a loose collection of Web sites into organized market places. The phenomena of aggregation, portals, large enterprise sites, and business-to-business applications are resulting in centralized, virtual places, through which millions of visitors pass daily. Ecommerce redefines the very foundations of competitiveness in terms of information content and information delivery mechanisms. Flows of information over international networks have created an electronic market-space of firms that are learning to exploit business opportunities. E-business has become standard operating procedure for the vast majority of companies. Ecommerce is the subset of e-business that focuses specifically on commerce. Commerce is the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services or for cash payment. There are several different types of ecommerce Business-to-Business (B2B), Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Government (B2G), Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) and Mobile commerce (m-commerce). A B2B system exchanges server programs and encoded files while communicating with other businesses. There are two types of B2B websites: vertical and horizontal. A vertical B2B ecommerce website is designed to meet the needs of a specific industry, and helps build connections between business communities in order to generate new business. A horizontal ecommerce website can be used by any company that is involved in buying and selling products or services. B2B ecommerce strategy can reduce operational costs, increase sales, and strengthen relationships between trading partners. These websites can help expand your presence in the marketplace and lower your procurement costs while handling an unlimited number of products. While B2B ecommerce reduces human intervention, overhead expenses, and errors, it also increases efficiency and advertising exposure and companys sales team and account managers can concentrate on generating new business. Business to Consumer (B2C) Business to consumer is the second largest and the earliest form of e-commerce. The more common B2C business models are the online retailing companies such as Amazon. com, Barnes and Noble and ToysRus. Other B2C examples involving information goods are E-Trade and Travelocity. The more common applications of this type of e-commerce are in the areas of purchasing products and information, and personal finance management. The market researchers from eMarketers estimate the number of online buyers to be around 900 million worldwide. This brought in the online traders worldwide a turnover of over one billion US$ for the first time. EMarketers estimate the British to be the biggest spenders per head where on average every online buyer spent 3,885 US$ in 2012. US ecommerce and Online Retail sales projected to reach $226 billion, an increase of 12 percent over 2011. 2012: US ecommerce and Online Retail holiday sales reach $33. 8 billion, up 13 percent over 2011. B2C e-commerce reduces transactions costs (particularly search costs) by increasing consumer access to information and allowing consumers to find the most competitive price for a product or service, it also reduces market entry barriers since the cost of putting up and maintaining a Web site is much cheaper than building a structure for a firm. And with information goods, B2C e-commerce is even more attractive because it saves firms from factoring in the additional cost of a physical distribution network and for countries with a growing and robust Internet population, delivering information goods becomes increasingly feasible. Electronic commerce and the Internet are redefining how consumers learn, select, purchase, and use products and services. Hence, B2C or Business-to-consumer retail holds significant business opportunities. A manufacturer with a dedicated ecommerce website can use it to increase margins, monetize existing brand loyalty and leverage competitive advantage. At the same time, he can increase awareness for the brand, provide important product information to customers, and gather valuable customer data to improve business prospects. There are a number of benefits which make owning a B2C ecommerce website inevitable for manufacturers. The ecommerce brings the shopping experience to the consumer’s home. By launching a B2C ecommerce website, the manufacturers’ bring the convenience and comfort of shopping to the consumers thereby increasing their prospective customers. When the manufacturer owns the retailing operations also, it can create brand awareness more prominently. By reaching out to new markets the manufacturers can increase their business’s brand name and about their product line. The e-shopping is accessible from anywhere anytime, thus it proves to be a quick and easy mode of providing information. Manufacturers can provide extensive updated information of their product range through their customized ecommerce website design. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) is the business of conducting goods and services over the Internet to consumers from consumers. Another way to describe C2C is that it conducts e-commerce with consumers and themselves or to a third-party. Before any consumer-to-consumer business can be formed over the Internet, there needs to established of a space where individuals can come together. These â€Å"gathering spaces† are called online or virtual community in which a collection of people come to one site to communicate, connect, and get to know one another. From there, people can establish a multitude of community themes to bring similar minded people. Some examples of communities: * Communities of interest – people who come together over the Internet to share a common interest like professions, sports, hobbies, philosophy, trading, and others. Communities of relations – people who come together over the Internet to share stories of relations such as friends, families, and/or relationships. Some examples of these communities would be like Myspace or Facebook. * Communities of fantasy – people who come together over the Internet to share fantasies over the internet like fantasy football or baseb all. Another example would be a site that allows people to write their own stories of fiction. Another type of online community that establishes a consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce is called an online or electronic auction site. An e-auction is like a regular auction; however,  the  sales of bidding are done online. It is a place where sellers and buyers bid for items listed on the auction sites such as Ebay or Amazon. Two types of auctions that can occur:   * Forward Auction – an auction that sellers use to have buyers bid on their merchandise till the highest bidder wins. * Reverse Auction – like the forward auction, this auction is used by consumers that want to buy goods or services. However, the buyer selects the seller that has the lowest bid. An example of this would be seen in Amazon. com where instead of purchasing a product from them, a person can buy from other sellers. When going into the listing of other vendors, the website usually posts the lowest asking price first. Then, the next lowest price is listed all the way up to the last seller that has the highest price of all the listings. There are many benefits that a consumer-to-consumer e-commerce has. One of the main factors is a reduction in costs. Sellers can post their goods over the internet cheaply compared to the high rent space in a store. The lower expenses lead to smaller, yet profitable customer base. Being in a community of similar interest where buyers and sellers come together leading to more chances of goods and services being sold. Another benefit is that many small businesses can obtain a higher profitability over a C2C compared to a physical store because of the reduction of overhead costs when conducting an e-business. Probably the most positive benefit of the consumer-to-consumer sites is the effectiveness in selling personal items. There are also disadvantages that a C2C e-commerce has. One of the main factors is it is not always the safest and most reliable place to conduct business. Sometimes buyers and sellers are not accommodating to each other when transactional information is needed. In these cases, a proof of purchase can solve liability issues and prevent costly lawsuits for a consumer and small businesses. Another disadvantage is that these types of sites are known for scams, swindles, and people with ill-business intentions. When things go wrong on C2C e-commerce communities, people can easily spread their stories across the internet which effectively is Word-of-Mouth advertising. Consumer-to-consumer marketing is on the rise, and 2013 will be the year when it explodes into the mainstream, becoming a must-have retail marketing tactic rather than just the mark of the out-there-brand-innovator. Communication is no longer about just businesses talking to anyone; it’s about people talking to people. Forget who’s on the end of the conversation. This is about where it all starts. The future of communications is C2C, or consumer2consumer or people2people. Individuals, whether buying for business or for themselves, are talking to and listening to other consumers. They are setting the agenda, leading the conversation, sharing their views, recommending the best products and deciding whether brands are successful or not. No longer are consumers just taking in information corporations and brands are spewing at them. Now they question and make brands earn their loyalty. Because of social media platforms, like Facebook and Twitter, consumers are now quick to ask brands: What can you do for me? So, today challenge is getting people talking about brands in a positive way, not getting brands to talk to people. With so many touch points, brands must move away from the traditional 1960s formula of one-sided information and start having conversations with consumers. Consumers want brands to be authentic and have a real human voice they can speak with when something goes wrong or right. Business-to-Government (B2G) Business-to-government (B2G) is a variation of the term business-to-business the concept that businesses and government agencies can use central Web sites to exchange information and do business with each other more efficiently than they usually can off the Web. A Web site offering B2G services could provide businesses with a single place to locate applications and tax forms for one or more levels of government (city, state or province, country, and so forth); provide the ability to send in filled-out forms and payments; update corporate information; request answers to specific questions. B2G may also include e-procurement services, in which businesses learn about the purchasing needs of agencies and agencies request proposal responses. B2G may also support the idea of a virtual workplace in which a business and an agency could coordinate the work on a contracted project by sharing a common site to coordinate online meetings, review plans, and manage progress. B2G may also include the rental of online applications and databases designed especially for use by government agencies. This kind of e-commerce has two features: first, the public sector assumes a pilot/leading role in establishing e-commerce; and second, it is assumed that the public sector has the greatest need for making its procurement system more effective. Web-based purchasing policies increase the transparency of the procurement process and reduce the risk of irregularities. To date, however, the size of the B2G e-commerce market as a component of total e-commerce is insignificant, as government e-procurement systems remain undeveloped. Mobile commerce (m-commerce) More and more users are buying tablets and using them for e-commerce due to the convenience it provides. The latest report from eMarketer predicts a surge in tablet commerce, turning the m-commerce into a $50 billion industry next year. The overall mobile commerce spending, including both tablets and Smartphone’s, in 2012 was $24. 66 billion, and this figure represented an 81% increase from the 2011 figures. EMarketer also report predicts total ecommerce spending from tablet devices alone to touch $24 billion by the end of 2013 and then almost double itself in a year to reach $50 billion by the end of 2014. The total mobile m-commerce sales would stand at about $39 billion in 2013. In 2013, 15% of all sales is expected to come from mobile devices, with tablets alone accounting for a dominant 9%. By 2016, tablets alone will account for a significant 17% of all sales. A big reason for the surge is the increasing rate of tablet adoption, as more and more people buy this new device. Traditionally, the ratio of new devices has been four Smartphone’s for every tablet. But Christmas Day 2012 sprang another surprise, when 49% of the 17. 4 million new devices activated were actually tablets. As content delivery over wireless devices becomes faster, more secure, and scalable, some believe that m-commerce will surpass wire line e-commerce as the method of choice for digital commerce transactions. This may well be true for the Asia-Pacific where there are more mobile phone users than there are Internet users. Industries affected by m-commerce include: Financial services, including mobile banking, as well as brokerage services; Telecommunications, in which service changes, bill payment and account reviews can all be conducted from the same handheld device; Service/retail, as consumers are given the ability to place and pay for orders on-the-fly; Information services, which include the delivery of entertainment, financial news, sports figures and traffic updates to a single mobile device.

Friday, March 27, 2020

a comparrison of a childrens b essays

a comparrison of a childrens b essays I give this book a six out of ten because even though it leaves important parts of what happened out. It tells enough information for children to get the general idea of what happened with Columbus and his trip to what he thought to be India. The book generally starts out telling his life story. It tells when and where he was born and how when he was little he dreamed of becoming a sailor. And on to his first trip as a captain of his own ship. In the book Christopher Columbus it says Christopher Columbus and his men rowed ashore. He planted his flag in the sand and claimed the island for Spain. He named the island San Salvador. Christopher Columbus gave the natives of the island red capes and glass bead necklaces. (David A. Alder. 8) which I found not to be true because in a letter to lord Rachael Sanchez the treasurer of spains king and queen he states. Seeing, however, no town or populous places on the sea coast but only a few detached houses and cottages, with which its inhabitants I was not able to communicate because they fled as soon as they saw us. (R.H. Major, select letters of Christopher Columbus) The Christopher Columbus book does not tell much about the taino Indians or about making them pay a hut tax of gold to the Spanish all it say about that is he left some sailors in the new world to search for gold. (David A. Adler, 22) then the next time the Columbus book mentions gold is when it talks about his last two trips to the new world. But all it says about that is Columbus sailed to America again in 1498 and 1502. The men who traveled with him had great hopes for gold and other riches. But they found very little gold, and Columbus was no longer a hero. (David A. Adler. 26) In one of Columbuss letters gold is mentioned several times in one of his letters to the king and queen of Spain he tells them that for the better and more speedy colonization of the island no one shall collect gold in it except those who have...